11. 02. 2018
DIY is the domain of the Czech nation - nothing has changed in the 21st century. Rather, the Internet age helped him by easily spreading production processes to almost anything, including home decorations made of various materials.
The international abbreviation DIY , which covers these activities, has also penetrated into the Czech Republic. It means " do it yourself " and usually indicates instructions and ideas that are suitable as inspiration for dexterous hands. Some are suitable for beginners, others for artists with experience. However, they can all inspire you to develop skills and lead to unexpected success.
Support your imagination with, for example, the websites Domaci-napady.cz, Dumnapadu.cz, Creativelife.cz . As an inspiration for fabric creation, the website Sew with us was created (with the suffix "let you sew at home yourself"). There you will find sewing cuts as well as advice, tips and procedures not only for beginners. Thanks to this online resource, you can sew a book cover, an Advent calendar, a canopy over a cot, a children's travel organizer and much more.
You can also focus on Youtube videos , Pinterest and other social networks.
The Pinterest web portal allows its users to create free themed collections of images or photos that they find online or upload from their own computer. The so-called message boards can be browsed by other users and the individual images can be commented on, marked with the "Like" button or added directly to your online message board. Pinterest is also a social network that allows participants to interact, communicate and create content together.
Many fans have on Pinterest, for example, the American portal Etsy , similar to the Czech Fler . Although most Pinterest users use it only for themselves as a virtual supply of inspiration and ideas, it also has great business potential. After clicking on any image, you will get to its source - blog, e-shop or web presentation of the product.
Put your own ideas for decorations on Pinterest. You don't have to look for material for fabric products in stone shops - simply order it in the e-shop. It simply lives online!
18. 03. 2024
Spring is finally knocking on the door – the sun is getting warmer every day, the birds are singing and nature is waking up. Isn't it time to wake up your home to spring life? It will be fun with the…
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